Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hey Paula!

Great episode of Idol tonight.  Overall I enjoyed all the performances.  Adam never ceases to amaze me.  BORN TO BE WILD was wonderful.  This guy has vocal chords of steel!!

I also was so thrilled to see Kris Allen sing FALLING SLOWLY from one of my favorite movies of all time... ONCE!

I definitely think Paula does her homework after she sees the dress rehearsal to come up with quotes and phrases she wants to use.  Actually, I think she has a quote book and takes bits of overused phrases and puts them together to come up with a new phrase that has nothing to do with the situation.

Tonight she told Adam... he "dares to dance in the path of greatness," and that "fortune rewards the brave!"

Here's a great brief montage of Paula and Whitney Houston from their past shows on Bravo!

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