Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat...

For the rest of the week I'd like to focus on MUSIC ABOUT MOMS.  

I absolutely love COAT OF MANY COLORS by DOLLY PARTON.  Had the wonderful pleasure of seeing her this past year.  As iconic she is for her stage persona, she really is a wonderful songwriter and musician.  

I know I've done a few posts on Dolly, but here is her music video to BETTER GET TO LIVIN' released last year.  The video features AMY SEDARIS!!!!!!!   Also, congratulations to Dolly for her Tony nomination for Best Original Score for 9 to 5.

1 comment:

Beth said...

I love the song Coat of Many Colors! This is one of my favorite songs. I really admire Dolly Parton for her positive happy outlook on life! Thanks for this...mommies are so special