Tuesday, June 1, 2010

If I were a boy...

"LA-based indie label The Secret Life Of Records has teamed up with a handful of young producers and musicians to form The Sunset Takeover, a mash up of studio players proving that many of today’s biggest pop hits are actually hard-bitten rock songs at heart."

So far released as 3 EP's entitled GENDER STUDIES Vol 1-3, The Sunset Takeover have recorded some amazing covers of female pop hits as sung by male rock and punk vocalists.

They state, "At the core of most every mega radio hit is a well crafted song. Sometimes, this songwriting is lost in the slick production or glossy music video. Pop music fans have come to expect a certain format. Secret Life Of Records and The Sunset Takeover project is an attempt to break the mold. This project aims to combine the catchy melodies and fun lyrics with something more visceral and genuine that we all can connect to. Join us in our quest to take back the air waves!"

Here are some of their awesome covers...

Beyonce's IF I WERE A BOY from Volume 3...

Katy Perry's HOT N COLD from Volume 1...

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