Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Bit of the BUBLE'

I'm a little overwhelmed with all the great new releases today! They are guaranteed to take up at least a couple posts this week.

First up is a new live cd/dvd combo from Michael Buble'. I am a HUGE a Buble' fan. Saw an amazing concert of his a few years back on the tour promoting the album IT'S TIME.

Todays release is his third live release.

The first one was called COME FLY WITH ME.

This is by far the inferior of the 3. The live tracks on the cd are great, but on the dvd the camera editing tries to be way too artsy. By the middle of the first song you are praying that the camera would just hold still... very very distracting!

The second release CAUGHT IN THE ACT is my favorite.

Great show, funny cameo by Josh Groban, and great selections of songs starting with FEELING GOOD as the opening number. This is also basically the same concert that I saw so I know that adds some sentimental value as well. Here he is covering THIS LOVE by Maroon 5.

The new one MICHAEL BUBLE' MEETS MADISON SQUARE GARDEN is good too. I started watching tonight and was a little put off by the documentary footage.

This guy is a really amazing entertainer... his vocals are golden, he's funny, good looking, and has a wonderful passion for the music. In the documentary portions he comes across a little too full of himself. It works as a persona - a hep cat swagger (Sinatra by way of Robbie Williams), but it took away just a little from my joy of the concert footage. The concert itself is great. Here's the trailer.

Out of the 3 though I would recommend first CAUGHT IN THE ACT. It has documentary footage as well, but it's footage shows more of his passion for the music rather than focusing on how far he has come as an entertainer.

...and I love his passion of the music. Mr. Buble' truly has a golden voice. When each new album comes out I look forward to vocal "sparks" he brings to the music.

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